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Interesting info. about ttc?

I found this on the internet when I was trying to figure out why I have cramping for 2 weeks every month right after ovulation.

I had to read it twice because I was amazed that the cramping could be from the uterus trying to expel the embryo!! Gee whiz, does that mean your body actually tries to abort an embryo itself?? If that's the case, no wonder it's so freakin' hard to ttc!!!

What do you guys think?


Ordinarily, cramps after ovulation are contractions produced by the uterus, in preparation of menstruation. In a normal month, a woman's reproductive cycle goes through the process of releasing an egg from either or sometimes both ovaries, at which point if a woman has sexual intercourse, it may result in the egg's fertilization. The lining of the uterus thickens in preparation of implantation. If no pregnancy results, then the lining begins to deteriorate, eventually shedding as menstruation. If pregnancy does occur, the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus. It is during the time in between fertilization when the uterus contracts. During early pregnancy, the uterus will first contract in attempts to dispel the embryo, and then produce growing pains while it extends to make room for the embryo, and cramp-like sensations are felt. In the case of a non-pregnant cycle, after ovulation occurs, the uterine lining is ready to be expelled, resulting in cramps.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was reading something similar to that on a website earlier today. It stated that your body does sometimes rejects the embryo. If your body does not accept it will be released in your next cycle. i guess lots of women have MC's and don't know it.

    It's is very interesting

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow, that amazes me, now i know why its so hard to ttc..

    maybe we should figure out ways not to get cramps, and will give us more of a chance to have a baby.

  • 1 decade ago

    What site did you get the info from? I'd love to see it. Thanks!

    I'm in my 2ww and had a little cramping yesterday and I'm going crazy wondering if it's AF coming on or implantation!

  • 1 decade ago

    Hun, it expell's the unfertilized egg. When and if your body expells a Embryo then that is called a miscarriage.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thank you

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That was very interesting..!!!. Thank you...

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