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Great here we go....??

So, this month, I have been basically feeling like "it's never going to happen", went ahead and made a dr's appt. next month to get some fertility testing since we've been ttc for over 6 months and we're over 35 years of age.

I've had no symptoms...still I have no symptoms. So, this morning, I'm thinking my temp is going to nosedive below my coverline like usual (I'm due for A/F today). Well, it went down but it's still .3 degrees above my coverline and still no A/F, no pms, etc. Never had this happen before, it always plunges below my coverline. I took a hpt yesterday, BFN, didn't even bother with it today.

If A/F doesn't show up, I will test tomorrow. Just curious if anyone who charts has gone past their luteal phase and how did it turn out? I'm just not prepared to be excited about this after so many let downs.


Here's my chart if interested


Btw, FF states

"You are past your usual luteal phase.

You may take a test, you may be pregnant!"

I'm thinking "Yeeeeeeaaaah, right!" LOL

Ugh, I hate this waiting stuff!

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi Melinda,

    6 months is really not that long, even though it may feel like it. You know what worked for me? Letting go and relaxing about the whole thing. I am over 35 and it took 8 months to get pregant (including one early miscarriage). I took all the tests, including HSG and fortunately everything came back normal. We were going to try insemination next month, but I got pregnant naturally. (so far so good, though it's early)

    I had finally just stopped worrying and only did ovulation tests. In reading your postings over the past month, I think you are thinking about everything too much. Try giving it a month with just having fun with your partner and realize, it'll happen eventually. I am a control freak too, but when I let go, is when things start to happen. Just my advice as I hate to see you get so stressed and on the emotional roller coaster as I was. Jump off! You'll thank yourself later. Best of luck.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    what a first-class query. you feel like I do. are you an anthropologist or archeologist, via any danger? I form of doubt that my four instances eliminated grand-children will realize so much approximately me simply from oral culture. That's due to the fact I am no longer quite doing so much that's extra special or popular or fortunately, notorious. Just plugging alongside being probably the most well men. Plus the broaden of science has made oral traditions much less "going down" besides. It was how historical past used to be taught, household, international, some thing. On the brilliant aspect, the appearance of first-class technological advances additionally signifies that if my four or 6 or eight instances eliminated greats ever get the urge to gain knowledge of wherein they got here from and what we had been like, there will likely be a lot more expertise nonetheless extant for them to "dig" up. Maybe even this reply might come to mild a few day once more!! (Probably no longer, if you do not opt for it as excellent, LOL. No stress, regardless that, that quite used to be a fully random proposal.)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It looks promising, but I totally understand not getting excited. Give it a little time. I had to quit charting. It was stressing me out. Now I plan on going with the flow.

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