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18 Girls under age 16 pregnant at school.?

Fox news just reported that several girls at a MA school had a 'pact' to get pregnant and now they have 18 girls (under the age of 16 years of age) pregnant at the school. One of the father's is a 23 year old homeless man??!!!!??

Am I the only one wondering what in the world is God thinking? I read everyday of good people on here, stable homes, stable lives ttc and no luck at all....yet this school has 18 young children pregnant.??? What the heck??



I know each individual is responsible for having sex...but God does give/take away life...that is what I mean.

43 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    who makes a pact to get pregnant, and they all go through with it, all i can say is wow...

    i slap the heck outta my daughter,

    this should just be a wake up call to all the educators n parents all over the world..

    they need to crack down on teens 10x more...

    more tallking about sex, and consequences.... parents monitoring who their child is with... teens taking those classes where they can meet real pregnant teenagers, or teenagers whove had babies too young and regeret it.. something to knock some sense into these girls..

    i feel horrible for their parents and their unborn baby.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I got pregnant at 17 and had my first son 6 months after turning 18. I had been with his Father since I was 15 and we are still toghther. There are some of my peers who also had babies around the same age. Some did sleep around a lot and some didn't. Some made great mature mothers and others didn't. You can't put all pregnant teens into one category and label it, "slut." Now, I do judge teens who go out and get pregnant on purpose. First of all not even I was prepared for how tough raising a child would be. Second of all I grew up without a mother or father and bounced from relative to relative. Every child deserves a chance to grow in a two parent household. And if that isn't possible to at least have a single parent with plenty of support.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow... I've not heard that. But don't blame it on God. People make their own choices (even stupid ones like those teenage girls). And typically the younger you are, the more fertile you are. And it seems like a lot of times, things happen when you least expect them. People who are TTC can undergoe extreme anxiety and/or stress in the process which can actually hurt their chances of conceiving. There are also a lot of people on here who have successful TTC stories. So don't blame it on God. But still.... that's insane that those girls did that.... and they're probably squelching tax payer dollars to do it.... so sad.

    Edit: I just read the story on Fox News-- that's just sick! And the funny thing is, the school thinks that giving birth control is going to stop it. Well, if the girls are TRYING to get knocked up, they're not going to take the pill even if someone forces it down their throat.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know! I saw it on Mike & Juliet this morning. They said the girls made the pregnancy pact so they could raise their kids together. And when they were getting pregnant they were giving each other high 5's and such in the hallways.

    I think it's sad...they're too young yet to know how hard the rest of their lives are going to be, and what they will miss out on in their futures.

    Source(s): Saw it on M&J show, had my 1st at barely 19 and that was hard enough...can't imagine younger then 16 : (
  • n.mous
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Well I think first of all this girls are having kids for the wrong reasons. As far as them having kids and most people on this forum having problems or its taking them longer to have kids well its based on the body. Studies show that you are able to conceive faster when you are in your teens to early 20s. Go figure. I am TTC and still no luck. I am sending all TTC baby dust.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is very disturbing!And the worst thing about this is that there is going to be 18 innocent babies with very young mothers who most probably wont be able to look after them with the care that they deserve.I mean if they are so immature that they go and make a pact to get pregnant how are they going to be mature enough to raise children??

    Source(s): 16 years old and not planning on getting pregnant for a verrrry long time :)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is so sad and shocking. I heard it the other day and now more and more on the news and radio. I want to know what the girls have to say. It's not one thing I think it's many many things in today's society that has caused this in these teenage girls. I for one, take it to heart b/c my husband and I have been ttc for some time with no luck. These girls have no idea what they are in for...

  • 1 decade ago

    god, thats just insane! those girls are going to get a hard dose of reality when they have to raise their babies by themselves and they are doing their child a grave disservice by having them with a father who most likely will not be in their lives (and what can a homeless man do for a child financially??). how immature to have a baby due to peer pressure. dumb dumbs, i say. geez, it seems like 1 out of every 3 teenagers has a child these days! its crazy! (so, i agree with you). and im sorry, the person that says they dont see a problem is a complete moron and is part of the problem causing teens to do this stupid crap.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You probably think I'm wrong, but it's not God's fault. He does not encourage sex before marriage. If you think that getting pregnant without being married is the most wonderful thing in the're wrong. To try parenting without another spouse is horrible. Those "stable" people are extremely lucky, they don't know how blessed they are.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know i saw the news its horrific but here i am trying to conceive and look how easy these teenage girls getting pregnant ,that means i have to pay more taxes if they decide to join welfare but if this is what they really wanted ,they better prepare for parenthood it not easy as getting pregnant ,i have 3 kids of my blessing goes out for all of them..i am just wondering what was there point and what they was trying to prove..

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