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Poor sperm morphology and IUI.?

So, DH had his sperm analysis and he has 55 million sperm, 45% mobility but his morphology is 'low' (15/100).

My OB has referred us to an RE for IUI and now we have an appt. scheduled.

My bbt charts look 'awesome' per my OB but I have not yet been tested for anything as of yet. (egg quality, fallopian tubes, etc..)

I was just wondering, for those who have been through IUI, what kind of testing did you have to go through? Did the Dr. also put you on meds, etc, before the IUI? How successful was it for you and how many attempts did you try?

Thanks for any information you can give to me.

Many blessings...and baby dust to all!

ttc 8 months, 37 years old

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've done one IUI so far, but it was due to my issues, not my husbands. It failed, and I am taking a break before I do another one because the whole process is starting to get me down.

    One thing I can tell you is that it is easy and painless- certainly the easiest procedure I've had, no worse than a pap.

    If you have strong ovulation then you probably won't need meds. I am sure they will draw blood to check your various hormone levels and see where you are. They will probably also do a trans-vag ultrasound. They might ask you to get an HSG test, which is an x-ray to check to see if your tubes are clear. Be warned, that test is very painful, but it is over quickly. If you are prepared for the pain it won't freak you out as much. Don't believe them when they say "mild discomfort"- it's worse than that, but over in about 30 seconds, so overall not that bad.

    Good luck!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    a pal of mine is going by way of a similar subject, and theyv tried each little thing and not something labored for them, they finally observed. yet i visit be praying for you and sending out some extreme high quality infant airborne dirt and dust***********

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