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Internet Connection problems- Windows XP.?

We had a storm last night and when I came into work, my computer had rebooted itself.

I went to log on the internet and it would not connect. My father who sits next to me at the office is able to get onto the internet just fine.

I've checked all of the lines and they work fine, his computer works fine but I cannot connect.

Does anyone have any insight as to what I might try to fix my computer? I'm not very computer literate but it seems like this happened before and it had something to do with resetting my IP address?? It seems I had to reboot my computer and exit it while it was booting to the black screen and type in some stuff to reset it?

Thanks for any help!


I have a DSL line and my computer is not wireless.

Update 2:

I did a ping and my ethernet card is working.

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your Ethernet card sounds like it got surged. Go to your local computer store and ask for a new Ethernet card.

    If computer is desktop get pci

    if laptop get USB

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