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rodolfo l asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Have you experienced walking on the street with barking dogs following you behind? And how did you feel?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I experience problems like this almost every time I take my dogs for a walk (that's the only time I take walks). I feel very disappointed, disgusted that I live around such irresponsible, careless and downright stupid pet-owners. If and when the owner comes to retrieve their dog, I always point out that the animal should be on a leash or that they need to be more responsible. I always "shoe" the dog away, or lightly push it away with my foot if it comes close - if the dog shows aggression, luckily I have pepper spray (have not had to use it, yet). I don't tolerate such things and it's a pity that the dogs always pay for it in the end.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ha not often but yeah one time I was walking my dog and this little wonder dog was running behind and barking at us.

    I thought "what a big ego..." considering my dog could do damage, if she wasn't a teddy bear.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have quite a few times. But i have a little jack-a-doodle who barks all the time so im used to barking pups hehe. I thing its quite cute to be honest

    Source(s): my brain
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would pause and freeze..

    However, I had this experience before..

    This miniature schnauzer was unleashed and he run to me like a bull at the gate.. I just paused and my face turn blue... And thank god when he is 1m away from me, he turn back and ran back to his owner...

    Not being a dog owner in the past, I was seriously freaked out, but now I am a first-time dog owner. Thinking back, it was quit funny... Haha

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, but the only time it happened was when I was little so of course I was scared. As for the other answer regarding pit bulls, please stop perpetuating a bad-and wrong-stereotype about pits.

  • 1 decade ago

    Scared, definitely, especially because I'd been bitten by a dog once when I was small.

    Act like you are picking a stone to throw to them and they will run away.

  • Chetco
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes, I have. I turn to them and I *command* them to go lay down, and they slink away.

    Source(s): btdt
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