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For those who didn't conceive until after 1 year of ttc.?

Just curious how long after the 1 year mark did you finally conceive your baby?

Did it happen 'naturally' or did you end up having to go on meds and/or see a fertility specialist in order to conceive?

DH and I reached the 'one year' mark of ttc....still no baby...and from what I have read, our chances are not good to conceive naturally (only 5% conceive within the next year).

We are seeing a specialist at this point but our first IUI failed.

Thanks for any hope/insight or explanation of your situations.

Best of luck to everyone. :)

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As you know we have been ttc for 27 months now and we are hoping and praying that this is our month which would be a natural cycle. If not our spirits are high and we will move on to our 3rd cycle of FSH injections with timed intercourse.

    I just wanted to let you know you are not alone and I honestly believe we will be holding our babies soon!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    We have been TTC for 5 years, with a few miscarriages. We are seeking treatment.

    We actually started seeking treatment almost right after starting, since I already knew I had issues (PCOS).

    Just keep at it, good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    My husband and I have been trying since 1998. I just got pregnant for the first time without help from doctors. I started taking wild yam and within days of taking it I was pregnant.

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