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Anyone who had blocked tubes?

DH and I have put off the hsg test (mostly due to the cost) but decided to have it done this month before trying another IUI. I feel like I am wasting money on this procedure since my understanding is that you are likely to have blocked tubes due to a std or endometriosis, which I have had no history of either of these things. I'm curious if anyone didn't have these things and ended up having blocked tubes anyhow? Can you have endometriosis and have no symptoms of it?

Is there other reasons that one might have blocked tubes? Either way we are going to go ahead with the testing, I just wanted to get more information on what causes blocked tubes.


3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A blockage of the fallopian tubes is usually caused by either pelvic infection, such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) or pelvic endometriosis. Sometimes it can be caused by scar tissue that forms after pelvic surgery. I am really not sure what else could cause this.

    I assume you are referring to a Hysterosalpingogram. I am an x-ray tech and have assisted Radiologists in these procedures. One good reason to have this done is to rule out any possible factors that may cause infertility. Also, if one or both of your tubes is blocked, sometimes the contrast that is injected into you can actually help to unblock the tube. It is a diagnostic test that may have therapeutic results.

    I know that if I found out that I might be infertile, I would make sure that every reason why this could be was ruled out. The test can be somewhat painful, but it is quick and worth it. Good luck on whatever you decide!

    Lots of baby dust!

    Source(s): X-Ray/CT Tech
  • 1 decade ago

    I've never had an STD and don't have endometriosis but my left tube is blocked. I didn't get an explanation as to why they think it's blocked. I've never been ill, never had abdominal surgery and can't think of anything in my medical history that would cause a blocked tube and yet I have one! I was still able to get pregnant though because luckily all the meds they put me on encouraged follicular growth on my RIGHT side (thanks to God, because otherwise I don't know how it happened so nicely for me on our first try!) and my right tube is open.

    So I think you're on the right track, going for the hsg since I have none of the conditions you mentioned above but have a blocked tube. Good luck and I hope you get your answers! Baby Dust!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can still have minor blockages and growths from other causes. A Hsg has been known to unblock minor ones.

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