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how to win back my boyfriend?

we had been in relationship for about 6 months . and one night i sleep with him and left my expensive bracelet in his house , the following day . i was expecting that he would mention to me that bracelet is with him but he did not i suspected that he had the interest to own it and told him that . only to find out later on that he found it inder my pillow that was his explanations . he wanted to break up and said he was hurt that i was accusing him stealing my bracelet . should i believe him or ask sorry about . i have so many reasons why i accused of stealig it like . he is gambling, i receive more salary than him . he is too concern of his family in his country , he thinks it does not matter to me the lost .

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He stole it ... trust your gut

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