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i am working as a nurse educator in one big hospital in Riyadh , I love to answer yahoo questions for i could share my ideas . knowledge . opinions , and informations .
What do you think the big difference of high intelligence quotient with common se?
Mine is high iq but most of the time lack of common sense
1 AnswerPsychology8 years agowhich one more interesting .motivational quotes or inspirational quotes?
i find them all the same i wanted to know the difference.
2 AnswersQuotations8 years agowhat is your opinion about my plan to go exit this coming month?
i have been working in saudi arabia as staff nurse for almost two years and i learned to love my work but my daughter needs my love and care in india . she has hepatitis for almost one month .
2 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years agowhat would you expect with a 55 years old lady like living in middle east for almost two decades ?
my chidren are done of their education. almost fulfilled , but sometimes felt still unfulfilled . asking or longing for more , do i need more money , jewelries to make life stable for my future .
1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships9 years agois there a way that i could be converted to another profession aside from my nursing carreer?
i am very much interested with psychology and philosophy . and i do not have time to do academic schooling . i am now full blast nurse educator
1 AnswerTeaching9 years agowhat do you think the most answered question in yahoo in infectious disease portion?
i am fond answering yahoo questions . now i am curious what is it the most answered one . infectious category .
1 AnswerInfectious Diseases1 decade agowhat will i do to my boyfriend who always say bad words .?
i feel he does not respect me anymore . shall i break him off . i am tired and turned off .
8 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agoshould i leave saudi arabia after 18 years of working here .?
i missed so much philippines . but then i am having the second thought because i do not have the sure income if ever i decide to go exit
4 AnswersSaudi Arabia1 decade agowhat is the reason why i am addicted answering question in yahoo?
before i start my work in the office . i see to it that i would answer questions .
7 AnswersPsychology1 decade agoif you have chance to ask noynoy in person . what is his opinion regarding the feud ,disagreement between sent?
both sen. lacson and de lima under his crony or administration .
1 AnswerGovernment1 decade agoi love my husband despite the cheating he did to me...but my family & friends don't want me to go back to him.?
can anybody give me advice what to do?
11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agowhat are the reasons why you could say you are the best thing that ever happen to me to many people ?
everytime i am happy with certain people i always say you are the best thing ever happen to me , i said it too to my children, my closed friends , my relatives . so is it okay or is it normal /
2 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agohow to win back my boyfriend?
we had been in relationship for about 6 months . and one night i sleep with him and left my expensive bracelet in his house , the following day . i was expecting that he would mention to me that bracelet is with him but he did not i suspected that he had the interest to own it and told him that . only to find out later on that he found it inder my pillow that was his explanations . he wanted to break up and said he was hurt that i was accusing him stealing my bracelet . should i believe him or ask sorry about . i have so many reasons why i accused of stealig it like . he is gambling, i receive more salary than him . he is too concern of his family in his country , he thinks it does not matter to me the lost .
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agowhich one is the best material for investment ?
i am thinking options like jewelries , land ,house and lot, furnitures .. what
1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade agoat 53 years old ,am still looks pretty for the opposite sex?
my skin is fair and flawless.with dimple on my right cheek /. with good legs . i want to know
3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoat 53 years old ,is it advisable fo me to continue my job as an educator ?
my kids are all done with thier chosen career . i plan to run a business too far from my career as a nurse educator .
8 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade agoam i going to continue my friend ship to a married man?
we are already having an affair for more than 9 months until i discovered his family with him here in the middle east. he is my inspiration,hes making my life in the middle east happy and inspired .
3 AnswersFriends1 decade agoshould i continue working here in saudi arabia even though my chidren about to finish thei college/ education?
i started working here in saudi way back 1991. until now i am still here.
1 AnswerTeaching1 decade agoshall i go vacation this december or march?
you see my youngest son is graduating this coming march but due vacation this coming december.
2 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago