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Android asked in TravelAsia PacificPhilippines · 10 years ago

In the Philippines, would you rather be a politician or a soldier?

In the current state of Philippine affairs, would you choose to become a soldier or a politician? Quite like the way ants do their thing and become soldier or worker ants in the service of their city.

If not, what would you want to be to help our colony?

13 Answers

  • Alfred
    Lv 5
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No more noble than a job whos task is to dedicate your "only" life for protecting other peoples lives, a job which deprives you from attending your wifes birthday because it was full alert, a job which you can't come home to be with your son and wife in Christmas and New year because you have to take care of the preservation of peace in the community while everyone is celebrating with their own family. Yes, I am taking that challenge up to now and I will not stop serving the country as long as God let me, he gives me the strenght to kill my enemies, protect the weak and defenseless... and at the end of my time I will tell my story to my grandsons and pass on the what I have started to keep the continuity. Politicians? I don't trust some of them... Politics? I don't think so, I haven't seen a camaraderie in politics it's all dirt.

  • 10 years ago


    But, being a soldier is the most difficult job that I've ever seen, because during actual operations, your life are always at stake and one leg is always at the grave, but sad to think that besides of the efforts those people made for the country, higher officials put the budget on their pocket that makes our defenses weak and useless.

    Maybe I rather choose to be a politician, but such things is hard to attain and achieve if you has no money to compete against your opponent, we already witness the buying system that runs in the country, I don't know if when such things will push to halt, as long as poverty occur on some areas, such practices is hard to avoid.


    Source(s): Senses Good luck
  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    A politician. But I prefer to be a soldier-turned-politician. Many people were disappointed when my country elected pres. Obama because he'd never served in the US military. Serving in the military, like most US presidents, implies that you will undoubtedly put your country first.

    So my choice (if possible) would be to become a soldier-turned-politician. And I would increase taxes heavily among the wealthy and try to get the country to stop depending so much on foreign goods (Toyota, Coca-Cola, Polo and Apple) and get them to begin investing in the development of nationally-owned companies.

  • 10 years ago

    i don't want to be a politician nor a soldier. Soldiers are slave-like. While Politicians enjoys prosperity and lordship.. either way, people cannot do in their own full will, the things that they wanted to do.. one is being summoned by their lords, the other was of their pride and greed. I prefer, the simple me, a student,and a common citizen cause i still believe in people power. Of course NOT THE REBELLION THING...

  • 36
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    anonymous vigilante

    declare yourself and you got enemies on all sides

    so, best is to keep a low profile

    best weapon is the uncontrolled tri media

    expose the culprit


    I wonder why the law of reporting a law violator anonymously supported by video coverage or photographs and get 30% reward from the penalty can't get into law. I've proposed this to the couple Fernando Bayani on air and they said they would make a study. Comment of FB then was neighbors would fight against neighbors if this law would be passed. So be it, I wished. To have discipline amongst ourselves.

    drawback of photograph is easy to be manipulated by computers.

  • 10 years ago

    A Politician.

    To be able to help the country with a big impact being a politician would definitely help.

    Of course we know that to have change it must start with the smallest unit which is the people but I strongly believe that people would do their part if they could see someone who is with them willing to do it no matter what.

    and of course world peace! that would be all! thank you :) lol

    Source(s): me oh me!
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Politicians because I can amass millions of dough, I, me and myself is the culture of the Phils since time immemorial.

  • JJ
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    It depends on your priorities. In the Philippines, politicians get all the money but they have ugly wives. Soldiers are broke but they get a lot of that fine Filipina pu$$#

  • 10 years ago

    would you rather serve Philippines as a soldier or fix that country as a politician..

  • 10 years ago


    You will earn money through corruption but still they will call you Honorable! Hon. Mayor, Hon. Congressman!

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