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  3. Argentina
  4. Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires


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    Why are Argentinian people so prone to commit murder over minor traffic accidents?

    In the 1920s, James Maitland, a British expert on Latin America, described the following incident as somewhat typical of Argentinian attitudes: "It was in Buenos Aires, and a fiesta was in progress. Streets crammed with people and cars: the whole place en fête. A motor-car was being held up by a man who was standing just in front of the mudguard. So the driver sang out to him to move. He didn't, and after a while the driver very slowly drove forward, and hit the man a glancing blow on the leg. Now it was a blow that wouldn't have hurt a fly: it didn't even make the man stumble. But what happened next? As the driver came abreast of the man, he calmly stepped on to the running-board, drew his gun and blew out the driver's brains. And this with the wife in the back of the car." Why do Argentinians behave so?

    5 Answers1 year ago
  • 7
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    Did The British Royal Family all support Adolf Hitler?

    Favorite Answer:

    The royal family come from german roots, both victoria and albert were german, and their blood goes way back, in 1917 the british royal family name was saxe-coborg -gotha,they changed it to windsor to combat all the anti german feeling, they did not support hitler in the second war world, as you rightly say buckingham palace was bombed six times,and the royal family in world war two gave a lot of people hope, they refused to leave the country, at one point the government wanted them to go to canada.Edward VIII was a rather stupid man who visited germany and met hitler after he abdicated,this made the british government send him to the bahamas where he could do no harm.

    7 Answers2 years ago