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About Chrysler Corporation?

I find it strange that when googling Chrysler Corp that you simply cannot get an email address or site for asking some questions about extension of warranty coverage for obvious design defects. You get all sorts of ads, news, etc., but anything Chrysler puts out is pure self serving. Anyone know of an email address or site one can go to, to find a person to complain to? Writing a letter in this day and age is kind of old school. Thanks.

1 Answer

  • Mark B
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Call 1-800-992-1997 and ask them if they can help you. That's the Chrysler Customer Assistance line.

    This is the web page for their contact us information, it has an email contact link, but the phone will be much quicker.

    BTW, have you tried working with your local dealer? They can sometimes help you out with things that have been problematic and can cover certain things that are out of the factory warranty. It's best to try working with them first, then contact customer assistance if they can't do anything.

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